Duct Cleaning Services in Naples, FL & Surrounding Areas

Air Duct

In a typical home, up to 40 pounds of dust is created each year. Your air conditioning system is the “lungs” of your home, breathing air in, and breathing air out.

Just in the process of everyday life, we produce a great deal of contaminants, for example, dander, dust and chemical residue. These pollutants are pulled into your air conditioning system and recirculated several times each day. Over time, this creates a buildup of contaminants in your ducts.

Having dirty ducts doesn’t necessarily mean the air in your home is unhealthy, but it could aggravate existing health issues and cause serious problems for people with respiratory issues, autoimmune disorders or allergies.

Additionally, contaminants in your air conditioning system cause it to work harder, shortening the life of your system. Filters are a barrier to some of the contaminants, but some will still get through, and over time, dirty your system. Cleaning your air ducts reduces excessive airborne dust and particles, unclogs restricted air ducts, and removes impacted materials from blower fans and air conditioner coils. A clean system uses less energy, costing you less in the long run both in energy costs and by extending the life of the system.

Key to Cool offers duct cleaning with the “Rotobrush” machine which is a soft bristle brush with vacuum.

During your duct cleaning and air handler sanitizing appointment we will perform a complete maintenance on your system, clean the evaporator coil, flush out the primary drain line and treat pan with algaecide tablets, check all controls, check both modes for proper operation, replace all air filters, remove all grills supplies & returns, clean all grills & returns and set them to dry, remove blower assembly and separate motor from wheel, clean & sanitize wheel and blower assembly, wipe down motor, sanitize all insulation inside the air handler including the doors, clean and sanitize all moving and non-moving parts, run roto brush through all vents and complete duct work, re-install all grills and blower.

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