How to Use Your Heat Pump in Naples, FL, More Efficiently

Every gain in your heat pump’s efficiency will only benefit your household. The more efficient your system, the more effectively it can keep you cool. Here are three ways you can use your heat pump in Naples, FL, more efficiently:

Schedule Heat Pump Maintenance

The burden of daily use will inevitably wear down your system over time, causing its parts to degrade gradually and its efficiency levels to drop. Tuneups are essential to slowing down and, in some cases, even helping reverse this process. We recommend that you schedule professional maintenance for your heat pump at least once per year, though twice per year would be ideal.

Invest in a Smart Thermostat

If you haven’t already done so, we strongly urge you to buy a smart thermostat. These devices will be able to control your heat pump with much greater precision than older manual thermostats, and their many special features will put a wealth of new options at your disposal, such as remote capabilities. In particular, a smart thermostat’s recovery mode feature can trim down energy usage while maintaining the temperatures that you want in your home.

Choose a Consistent Temperature

You may need to play around with your thermostat’s settings before you find an ideal indoor temperature. If you program the device with the highest temperature that you’re willing to accept, you’ll be able to stay comfortable while using as little energy as possible during the summer.

Furthermore, once you find the right settings, don’t constantly make drastic adjustments. If you set your thermostat a great deal lower, this won’t increase the speed at which your heat pump will cool your home. It’ll only waste energy and strain your system, leading to higher cooling and repair bills in the long run.

With small adjustments, you can use your heat pump to its full potential this summer while remaining comfortable in your home. For more help with your heat pump, call Key to Cool and ask for our HVAC repair services.

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