3 Ways Dirty Air Ducts Can Impact Your Health

Air ducts are prone to accumulate dirt and dust as they pull air throughout your in Bonita Springs, FL, home. Dirty air ducts can adversely impact you and your family’s health. The following are ways that dirty air ducts can impact your health and how you can keep yours clean.

Respiratory Problems

The accumulation of pollen, dust and other pollutants increases breathing problems for individuals who have asthma and other respiratory diseases. Asthmatics are always encouraged to stay indoors when there’s poor outdoor air quality. In such cases, staying in houses with dirty air ducts will only worsen the situation.

Dirty ducts may pass respiratory diseases to people who don’t have a medical history of them. This occurs when biological contaminants grow in your air ducts and blow into your home where you breathe them. As a result, individuals living in homes with dirty air ducts are more susceptible to respiratory diseases.

Growth of Biological Contaminants

Dirty air filters can hide biological organisms that may be harmful to your health. Your air ducts could also be home to rodents and other insects that may leave droppings and debris. These unsanitary droppings and debris may circulate throughout your home, causing respiratory illnesses.

Nasal Problems

Pollutants cause respiratory illnesses when they enter your lungs through the nasal passages. The small, contaminated particles from your air ducts may cause inflammation when they enter your sinuses. The inflammations can progress into serious infections.

Sinus infections are excruciating and annoying. The best way to take care of dirty air ducts is by paying attention to your health. You should consider hiring a professional to conduct air duct cleaning if you notice that your allergies are worsening. By doing so, you’ll breathe easier.

Key to Cool offers professional HVAC services. Our team of experienced service technicians ensures that your HVAC system is operating at optimum efficiency. Contact us today for HVAC maintenance, heating and system replacement.

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