Why Does My Smart Thermostat Have a Blank Screen?

Your smart thermostat controls your HVAC system’s operations and creates a comfortable indoor environment for you in Marco Island, FL. If its screen suddenly goes blank, you may be at a loss about what to do. Here are a few possible reasons your smart thermostat has a blank screen:

Dead Batteries

The simplest explanation for your blank smart thermostat screen is that the device’s batteries have died. Before examining other possibilities, replace the old batteries.

Faulty Wiring

If your thermostat doesn’t carry batteries, it probably uses a C wire to connect to your HVAC system. These and other important wires may fray, twist, bend or break, severing the link between your smart thermostat and your HVAC system. Over time, wires may suffer from wear and tear and move out of their original positions, too.

It’s often difficult to tell whether wiring issues are preventing your smart thermostat from receiving power. If you suspect that they are, ask our HVAC service technicians to examine both your thermostat and your HVAC system. Professionals can also detect such issues during regular tuneups.

The Circuit Breaker

Circuit breakers are safety devices with the purpose is to cut off the flow of electricity to your home if excessive amounts of power ever move along your wires. If your HVAC system is old and inefficient, or if its compressor is in bad shape, it may trip your circuit breaker. If this happens, nothing will appear on your smart thermostat’s screen.

Your smart thermostat’s screen may go blank for a variety of reasons. While a bit of knowledge and awareness may allow you to handle simpler problems, in most cases, you’ll need professional help. Call Key to Cool to get professional HVAC repair services in Marco Island, FL, and stay comfy all winter.

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